AAA Japan Co., Ltd. is happy to introduce you an Interactive Auction Sheet. If you would like to buy your first car from the Japanese Auctions, you definitely need to understand auction structure. Click on one of the auction sectors below to get information.

Interactive Auction Sheet
Registration Date
Registration date usually is the answer to the question “How old is the vehicle”. However, it could vary if it is an imported car.
Note that Japanese calendar differs from the long established. Click here to see Japanese Calendar translation.
Brand Name
Describe company which made this car. For example, Toyota, Honda, Nissan or any other.
Number of Doors
Indicate how many doors in the car. Usually 2/3/4/5, in some rare cases stayed as a door.
Model Version
Describe model specification. It could influence on car’s equipment. For example, electronics, engine and etc. See more differentiations details in our Catalogue.
Drive Wheel
There are several drive wheels format. For instance, front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive, four-wheel drive and etc.
Vehicle Inspection
Japanese Vehicle Inspection called “Shaken”. This means that the car is suitable for driving. All cars in Japan must have this inspection up to date, otherwise it’s illegal to drive in Japan. However, it is not needed for exportation or driving in foreign countries. As the rule, other countries have their own inspection.
Transmission Type
Transmission divides into 2 groups: Automatic and Manuel.
Automatic Transmission — AT, FA, FAT, IAT, CA, CAT, CVT, ICVT.
Manual transmission — MT, F5, 5C, 5SPD/6F/6.
Original Equipment
Indicate installed equipment by the manufacturer. For example:
- SR – Sunroof
- AW – Alloy Wheel
- TV – Television
- PS – Power Steering
- PW – Power Window
Read more types of Original Equipment here.
This column show vehicle odometer record. Note that it could appear one of the following symbols: #, $, *. This means that odometer history has been changed.
Type of Air Condition
Shows one of the following installed Air Condition System — AC, AAC, WAC. Sometimes the information could be missing, this means that there is no air condition in the car (often in the retro cars).
Sales Points
Attractive information about the car. For example, first owner of the car, expensive equipment installed, tuning was made or other information.
Exterior/Interior Colour
Original Exterior colour usually mentions in the column before the arrow. If the colour was changed you could see a new colour after the arrow. Also, inspectors indicate manufactured colour code.
Another important piece of information is an interior colour which you could find on your right.
Fuel Type
In this column could be found what type of fuel uses this car. Usually Inspectors match one of the following: gasoline, diesel, CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), Hybrid (Combination of common fuel and electric motor), PHEV (A Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) and EV (Electric Vehicle).
Foreign Vehicle
This column is only for imported vehicles. If the car was made in Japan, nothing would be written here. In this section mention who imported this car (Dealer or Private Importer), year of the foreign registration and steering location. For example, RHD (Right Hand Drive) or LHD (Left Hand Drive).
Vehicle Maintenance
Indicate the existence of the maintenance records and other manual books. The square below indicates the final date when the new owner should make car re-registration.
Recycle Fee
All types of vehicles in Japan have Recycle (disposal) Fee. It calculates from production year, engine capacity and car’s gross weight.
Numbers of Passenger and Loading Capacity
In the right section stated the maximum Passenger Number.
In the left section is maximum car’s weight limit.
Chassis Number
Unique body number which assigned to the vehicle during building. Note that due to the corrosion chassis ID could be changed. In this case you will see number in square brackets [] and Japanese letters appear.
Extra Information
In this column could be found car description. This information could be written by both the seller and inspector and it indicates benefits as well as drawbacks. For instance, repair information, spec equipment, breakdowns, modifications and etc.
Independent Inspector’s Notes
The most important part is this one writing only by inspector. Here could be found short information about mechanic, electric, exterior and interior condition and etc. Remember that our team always pleased to translate auction page for you especially we pay attention into this part.
Vehicle Body Chart
This used to indicate the exact defect place on the car’s body. For example, scratches, dents, repair marks, changed parts and etc.
Japanese use Latin Letters and Number to show what defect is and how strong it is. Please click here to understand what these symbols are.
Vehicle Dimension
Describe vehicle’s Height, Width and Length marked in the registration document.